Monday, February 11, 2008

Friday, February 8, 2008

Field Notes versus Moleskine Cahier

From left to right, a black Moleskine cahier, a Field Notes notebook, and a "natural" (or whatever they call it) Moleskine cahier sporting some additions of my own.

The Moleskine's cover is thicker and darker than the Field Notes', and you may be able to tell the Moleskines' covers are stiched whereas the Field Notes is stapled.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Laxton Field System

Laxton Field System
Originally uploaded by DodoPappa

Tube & Field Study

Tube & Field Study
Originally uploaded by Matthew Wahl™

i quite like the effect, even though it certainly is bad for the health.
sounds like mad scientist experiments i can't help but to link to MMD project: